Saturday, June 26, 2010

Week of Minimal Sleep

My last week in Norway was filled with long hours of work or late hours of social festivities. There was a bit to finish or follow-up on this week work-wise. One of my bedtimes was postponed by an 11pm - 12:15am meeting at the factory. Yes, there is some 24/7 hour work that is being done and it required a teleconference with folks back in Cali. It was fruitful, and tiring. The other nights involved a girls dinner at a coworker's house that went until just past sundown (11pm) and catching up with a coworker whom just arrived in the Oslo airport hotel until 11pm. That morning my alarm went off at 4:35am to get to the terminal for the first (6:55am) of the string of flights home. I arrived safetly at home in the early afternoon yesterday and have had my first full night of sleep in 4 days.

The garden is officially going bonkers. It's quite amazing how much things grow in 3 1/2 weeks. The sunflowers were about 3 ft when I left and grew an additional 3-5 feet while I was gone. Yep, we have an 8 ft sunflower stalk... and it's not even blooming yet! The lettuces, broccoli, and cilantro have gone to flower (maybe Jamie wasn't eating enough salad?) and the insects/bees are loving it. I look forward to doing some gardening today... taking out weeds, regaining control of some plants (the sunflowers have leapt forward and blocking the grapes, and plant some new flowers in time for my Mom's arrival on Tuesday.

Thanks for following me this trip. I'll let you know when the next one starts. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures from Prague last weekend!

From Norway II (Springtime!)

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