Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nov 17 - Saturated Final Days

T-4 days and counting. Last night the team here gathered at a local restaurant for pizza and beer as my send-off party. It was a rowdy good time with most of the team (some missed it as there are some meeting preparations underway). As we enjoyed a few rounds (my choice was red wine), each guy would get a text or call from his wife/girlfriend and disappear shortly thereafter. Never as the electronic leash of the cell phone been so apparent! Of the original 8, there were 5 of us left to pay the bill and head out in the cold night. The 5th guy got a pull on his leash once outside, and headed in a different direction. The remaining four of us went to Gamble Norge (Old Norwegian) pub for a game of darts. We fit three games in, ending in a draw (saved by the bar closing). This was my first opportunity to try the country’s classic alcohol aquavit. It’s hard liquor that is swallow in shot form during celebratory, fatty dinners like Christmas. They claim it helps your stomach break down the lard in the meal. With a claim like that, I was worried it would break down my esophagus first. After an initial sniff (waifs of licorice) and some on my lips, I eagerly threw my head back to get it over with. I feared it’d go down like tequila. To my surprise, it didn’t and thus more pleasant than anticipated. So, by night’s end I was saturated with spirits.

The weather has added to the saturated feelings. Except for 10 minutes in the car when driving my friend to the airport the other day, it has been overcast, rainy, or snowy every single minute for the past 2 ½ weeks. Denmark came close to this record, but think this is the longest I’ve gone without direct sunlight. It makes being inside and working easy, however I feel my skin going pale. Perhaps I may even get cloud-burned, and turn a hue of gray or pale blue from absorbing the cloud rays.

My schedule has been saturated with social plans every evening and work during the day. For the past week and upcoming nights, there are dinner plans involving different people and different places. It certainly makes time pass quickly. It also insinuates that my time here was valued and enjoyed by others! I hope to see some of these folks in California someday.

Dare I say I’m saturated of Norway? That’s a pretty big statement and not one I will sign up to now. However, I cannot wait to come home! Of course I miss home, however have not allowed myself to think about it for prolonging any feelings of anxiety and homesickness. That could really cause the final days to be miserable. My feelings began to change yesterday, when I realized I’ve lived in the hotel here in Norway more than I’ve lived in my “new” home in Hermosa Beach. That is when it really sunk in. I’ve had a fantastic time here and have certainly made the most with the opportunities offered. I won’t get weepy at this point, that is best saved for last. I just feel very lucky to have been here and very excited to come home.

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